An adventure is simply an inconvenience rightly considered.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

View of Lesotho from the Top!

So I hope this works,
Jarret has kindly up-loaded some of my video clips that i took while on holiday in Lesotho to YouTube and i can now post them on my blog!
So we'll see how this goes. If it doesn't work, please leave a comment in the comment section so i know, and will then try to fix it. but if it does, expect this blog to get a lot more multimedia savy!

Lesotho 435-
This is where we stopped for lunch on our way to the village. I took a paneramic shot of Lesotho.

Lesotho 434-
this is just me on horseback, showing the mountains, introducing Kieran, Rebecca, my horse and our guide (whose name is Vincent. Sorry about the sideways filming, i forgot that the camera only works one way when taking videos. I pronounce Lesotho funny in this video.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Cool Boring Stuff on the Way!

I've come to the realization that i tend to focus too much on the cool fun things that i've been doing and not really reporting on the more mundne, but still interesting things that i do on a daily basis. All these trips and pictures and adventures only comprise about 20% of my time here in SA. for the most part, i'm sitting in the office, working away or surfing the internet because i'm bored. Or, i'm at the gym, at home cooking or reading a book or sleeping.

So, with this new found way of file sharing, thanks to my super-smart Software Engineer friend Jarret, i'm devising a way to post interesting updates on the more boring aspects of my life here in Pretoria. (a bit of an oxymoron don't you think?)

Stay Tuned.

Lee-Su-Too (Lesotho)

This post was originally an e-mail that was writing to my family to make them super-super jealous of my fantastic time here in Africa. But there was so much to tell, so many things happened in such a short weekend that, when i was done, i realized i had my most recent blog entry. Now i can make every jealous of me, not just my family!

So here is my story-

We left for Lesotho, Rebecca, Kieran and I, last Thursday at about 3pm. We had to drive down to Jo-burg and around it in order to head down into the Free State (the province below Gauteng the province I am currently living in). We ended getting lost even before we got to Joburg! The highway tends to veer off and if you aren't paying attention you end up on a smaller highway. So we had to find our way back to the main highway, along the way we passed by a bunch of townships, and it is pretty eye-opening to see how the majority of the black population lives. All due to Apartheid.

Once we found our way back to the main highway we headed south to the Free State. The drive there was pretty amazing in that it is all flat farm land. If you just stared out the side of the window you could almost forget that you were in Africa and back in Alberta, with rolling prairies, with a few trees scattered across the landscape.

It got dark soon after 6pm, and this amazing lightening storm hit, since there isn't much rain; it is all thunder and lightening. Really cool. We'd be driving along in the dark and then for a brief instant we'd be able to see the flat prarie landscape of the Free State bathed in an eire white glow.

We made it to Lesotho in one piece. We drove along the winding roads in the dark, unfortunately unable to take in the scenery. But it’s kind of a good thing because we realized on Sunday as we drove home that a few of the turns had sheer drops to them!

The next day at Malealea lodge, we saddled up for our overnight pony trek. We had a guide and our pack horse and our ponies. We trekked for 5hrs over multiple mountains to get to our remote village location. On the way there, with about 1/2hr ride left we had to take refuge in a small village because we got caught in a hail storm. It had been threatening to rain all day and finally it did. As we were waiting for it to hit, you could see this wall of water coming across the valley directly towards us. It only lasted a few minutes, but enough hail was dropped to make the ground white!

We continued on and arrived at our village; we got to stay in a mud hut, not more than 15 feet across. the lodge had an assortment of cooking utensils and a stove, etc. we had about 2hrs before the sun went down so we decided to have a walk around the village and see what life is like there. All the children in the village came up to play with these strangers asking for sweets and money. They were interested in our cameras, my hairy face! And our clothes. There was a woman there to knew some English and attempted to translate what the children were saying. They told Rebecca that her nose was crooked and on wrong. They were fascinated with her curly hair and at one point actually cupped her breast! And then laughed loudly at the reaction. The kids were amazed with my hairy arms and face, asking to touch it. Once they saw our cameras they kept yelling "Fote" and then posing, wanting their photo taken.

Once all the excitement had died down and as the sun set we made our way back to our hut and cooked dinner. Everyone goes to bed when the sun goes down because they have no electricity. So we were asleep by 8pm. and I’ll tell you, electricity or not I’d have still fallen asleep then, that pony trek was exhausting!

The next morning at 6am we got up, packed some of our things and then hiked to the nearby waterfall. It was about an hour long trek, up winding paths and around large hills. Really cool. When we arrived at the river, you could look up and see the sun rising over the top of the falls, with all the mist dancing in the sunlight! At this point we took off our shoes and went wading into the river, making our way over rocks and through rushing water to the actual falls. The river wasn't that fast but it was cold! After a few pictures and taking some time to actually admire the falls with my own eyes, we headed back to our village where we met our guide who had the horses all ready to get back to Malealea.

The trek was uneventful, but still very awesome. We took a different path, this time following the river. As we were getting close to Malealea lodge, I was getting a bit anxious, I wanted to go faster on my horse, not simply at a walk. So I was kicking it and telling it to go faster, but all I could get out of it was a slight trot for a few feet after each kick and then back into a walk. But as we got closer to the lodge, all the horses started to get anxious and were walking a bit faster. Faster, and faster, trying to keep up with each other and still trying to beat the other horses. Eventually, much to Rebecca's horror, all of our horses, Mine, Kieran's and hers, all took off at a very fast trot that eventually turned into a gallop! It was so cool! I’ve never ridden a horse that fast before, and I loved it! Rebecca on the other had didn't. She was never comfortable on her horse and didn't really know how to control it or steer or anything (now, I’m not a perfect rider, but I do know how to hold on properly) so as soon as her horse took off she freaked. She was yelling "STOP! STOP!!!" and holding on for dear life! I tried to yell to her how to get the horse to stop: "Rebecca! Hold on to the saddle with one hand and pull on the reigns as hard as you can with the other!"

At this point she wasn't able to do so, I tried to catch up with her on my horse (still going at full gallop mind you) but I too am not the best rider and could only control my steed to a certain extent. It certainly wasn't like in the movies where the dashing cowboy comes to the rescue of the damsel on a runaway horse, I only managed to keep my hosre going in the same direction as hers. As her horse kept running, she was slipping to the side of her saddle, when I looked up I saw her clutching at the side of her horse! But luckily by this time her horse had slowed and came to a stop, where she promptly fell off. No harm was done, though she was quite shaken. Meanwhile, Kieran's horse was way off in the other direction, doing its own thing as well.

I eventually caught up with Rebecca and held on to her horse, which was now happily munching on the grass.

Once our guide caught up to us, he hooked Rebecca's horse onto his and we all resumed our line and walking pace. But, the little kid in me just wanted to go faster, so I asked Vincent if I could get the horse to run the rest of the way, making sure that no other horses took off when I did. So I tried to get the horse to go but again to no avail, Robin Elland is a follower horse, not a trail-blazer, much to my chagrin. Kieran's horse, on the other hand was more than happy to take the lead, and once his got going, mine was more than happy to follow. Starting off at a brisk trot, we eventually got up to a full gallop! So much fun!! It’s bumpy up until the gallop then from there it's just a smooth rocking motion, thrusting if you will. Hmmm, I wonder if there is a more subconscious reason why I liked it so much? JK!

We all arrived back at Malealea safe and sound! We got back at around 3pm and got all cleaned up (trail riding makes you very dirty), had naps (getting up at 5am makes you very tired), and had dinner and a few beers at the local bar in the evening. The staff had a little bonfire pit (similar to the one that Grandma had) that they light and a group of older Afrikaans men and women were roasting marshmallows on it. We decided to not be antisocial and join them and met a few cool people. there was a guy, probably around 25-27, who was there with his mom and her friends, who we hung out with, it turns out he's from Pretoria and has offered to take us out sometime and give us a little bit more freedom from the CSIR! Lekker! (cool in Afrikaans). We also hung out with a group of Belgian tourists on a tour of SA, and Bernita, one woman who runs the place. We were just hanging out around the camp fire for hours; eventually I had to go to bed (at 1am) because we were going to be getting up at 6am to get back on the road.

So the next morning we got up, packed, got in the car and took off to Maseru, the capital city of Lesotho. We wanted to go to the Katse Dam and wanted to check out the tourist info place there to see how long it would take to get to Katse because we were pressed for time, and needed to be back on the road to Pretoria by 3pm. it was about an hour to Maseru, and once there we got a bit lost in the city centre. We couldn't find the tourist info, but decided to get something to eat and then go to the dam anyways. We pulled down this small side street which led to a bakery. We parked the car and then proceeded in to get a bite. This leads me to my first experience of African corruption.

The street we came down was a one way street. We went down it the wrong way. One of the street vendor's must have seen this and warned Kieran (the driver) that the police will fine you if you don't be careful. Kieran thanked him for the warning. We suspect that this warning wasn't done out of the kindness of his heart. He probably wanted some money, and when he didn't get it....
When we got our of the bakery two police officers were standing outside of our car. They informed us that we had broken their law and that they would need to take us down to the police station to get booked, and then have to face a magistrate court the following day, because it is closed on Sundays. Kieran stalled by getting them to show us the one-way sign we had missed (it was on the other side of the street, and coming from the direction we did, there was no way we could have seen it). When we got back to the car, they gave us this speech about how much trouble we were in, and that they would have to confiscate our passports until we showed up at the magistrate court on Monday. Then they added that they could do us a favour and help us out by taking care of the matter then and there. I.e.-they wanted a bribe.

We eventually gave them R100 and they let us go. They were a bit concerned about Rebecca as she was visibly upset by the whole extrotion thing, and didn't want to let us go until they were sure we were happy with the bribe. Kieran was pretty calm about the whole thing, and I was kind of indifferent, I knew what they wanted, I didn't like the fact that were targeted because we were white tourists, but I knew that coming to Africa I would eventually run into situations like this (or worse) so I just accepted it.

But anyways, no harm no foul eh? As we got back into the car, visibly shaken, the 3 of us, but no worse for ware, we decided that we'd head up north to check out a few craft shops and then leave via the Caldonnespoort border and head back home. The weavings in these little towns were pretty amazing, and I considered getting one for Alex's wedding present, but I have no idea what the decor is in her appt, and getting her African rug would be cool but if it clashed, then that would be a travesty!

So we left Lesotho around 2pm and got back to Pretoria at 5-ish. Not without drama along the way. Rebecca and Kieran got into a heated argument regarding the colonization of small Latin American nations by the United States, (through Globalization, which can be considered a form of neo-colonialism, but we all know that right?) I think we spend too much time together.

Anyways, i'll be posting pictures up soon, but until then, here is my absolute favorite picture i've taken in Africa yet. When i get home i'm going to frame it and put it up on my wall.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Rob Conquer's Africa

Rob Conquer's Africa
Originally uploaded by Rob Rutherford.
I'm sure that headline is going to stir up some controversy.
anyways, so here is all that i've been up too for the past 2 weeks. i realize that while i was posting these photos, i didn't really explain when i did them. so here we go, in chronological order:

Sandton for the INSTIE 2006 exhibition- Wed 4th October
Chance encounter with a Hedgehog- sometime after the 4th, but before the 6th
Hatfield Square- Fri 6th October
Gold Reef City- Sat 7th October
Thanksgiving Dinner- Sun 8th October
Farmer's Market- 14th October (way too early!)
Dress-Up party- 14th October
Jacaranda photo- Today, Mon 16 October

yah, so i've also been busy with work. i spent all day sunday working on a paper, from 11am until 1:30am! so i am actually getting stuff done. i'm working on the Case study again, Jaqui, my boss, has given me a few pointers on it and i'm gearing up to get it all done!

this weekend, Kieran, Rebecca and I are headed off to Lesotho (pronounced Lesoto), we're going an a 2 day pony trek to a remote village in teh mountains. i'm totally psyched! we leave Thursday evening, so that means that i have to get my ass in gear and get my work done by then!

so, my best to all, and I hope you enjoy the Pics!

Waiting for the Bus

Waiting for the Bus
Originally uploaded by Rob Rutherford.
you meet some weird characters, waiting for the bus

Rebecca at Sandton

Rebecca at Sandton
Originally uploaded by Rob Rutherford.

Hatfield Square

Hatfield Square
Originally uploaded by Rob Rutherford.
Here is Rebecca, Kieran and I at Hatfield square. the "happening" place to be in Pretoria. apparently if you want to get piss-assed drunk get into bar fights and get picked up.
We had an alright time, but weren't really into the above mentioned things and are bent on finding a more classy part of the city to go drinking in. at Nikki's party (see below), we met some cool Afrikaners, belonging to the more alternative crowd, and they know of some decent places to go out for a good time. should be Lekker! (cool!)

Wild Hedgehogs

Wild Hedgehogs
Originally uploaded by Rob Rutherford.
I was comming home from work late one night and nearly stepped on this little guy! luckily i didn't and even luckier, i had my camera with me. There are wild hedgehogs here and it makes me happy.


Originally uploaded by Rob Rutherford.
So this is us at Gold Reef City. An amusement park built on an abandoned mine. it has a mine theme to it, which reminded me of K-days, for you edmontonian folk.
we went on the Anaconda, a rollercoaster, a innertube-water-rafting-type ride, which soaked us all, amoung others.
we had fun, but you know it was just another amusement park. we didn't get to the Apartheid museum which is just across the street, which was a shame, but we are making plans to go back! you can't go to South Africa without visiting the Apartheid museum or visiting a township! i plan to do both.
This photo was taken at the 4D theatre, where they move the theatre to involve the audience in the movie. it was okay, but i didn't like getting polar bear boogers sprayed in my face.

Joburg Skyline

Joburg Skyline
Originally uploaded by Rob Rutherford.
from atop a ferris wheel

Turkey Massage

Turkey Massage
Originally uploaded by Rob Rutherford.
So, Thanksgiving Dinner.
Is a massive undertaking. I give my kudos to all the Grandma's and mothers (especially my own, and yes when we cook turkey at my house, my Dad does do the cooking as well) and (in the more progressive households) the father's who go to great lengths to serve up this huge feast for all of to enjoy.

Preparation begain the wednesday prior with use three North Americans going grocery shopping for the right ingredients. I bought the Turkey (and as my sister noted, this 8lbs turkey looked more like chicken than a turkey), and got instructions on how to cook it properly. hence the photo, i was told to give the turkey a "butter massage" but i took it a step further and gave it a "sensual" butter massage. Look out ladies, he cooks and gives the same time!

We spent all day cooking, with Kieran going on an emergency shopping trip in the morning to get the last minute ingredients. we were actually too efficient and had everything cooked by the time everyone arrived, and had to reheat everything!

overall, everything turned out great and all the food was yummy! and i ended up eating left overs for a whole week. it was good!

Mmmm food

Mmmm food
Originally uploaded by Rob Rutherford.
Delicious Thanksgiving dishes!

Thanksgiving Man to the Rescue!

I just look hot in this photo.

explaining the meal

explaining the meal
Originally uploaded by Rob Rutherford.
We had to explain the dynamics of the Thanksgiving meal to the South Africans. which dish is what, what is the best (Stuffing!!!) and the beautiful art of piling servings upon servings to maximize the amount of food on your plate until it is a veritible mountain of a dish!

Farmers Market

Farmers Market
Originally uploaded by Rob Rutherford.
Ah the Pretoria Farmer's Market. Begins at 5am and is all closed up by 9. People will sometimes drive for the entire night simply to sell their produce here. You can pretty much buy everything under the sun, from Afrikaans books to fresh indian curry spice!

The place is always bustling, there is music blasing over the loud speakers, interrupted intermittently with a man who yells out (in Afrikaans) all the good deals and the best places to buy this or that item.

We were picked up by Nikki at 6:50am and had arrived by quarter past 7. I got that entire box of fresh produce for less than R100. about $20. Now thats better than H & W! Sorry Dad, you've just been scooped. i'll be complaining about the high prices next time i go there!

Rob "in da" Hood

Rob "in da" Hood
Originally uploaded by Rob Rutherford.
These next photos were taken at Nikki's (our co-worker) house-warming party/costume photo shoot. There was tons of deserts 9in fact only deserts) lots of colourful costumes and back drops. I had been up since 7am that morning (going tot he farmer's market, explained above), and was dead tired all day but still managed to put on a few "racy" costumes. some of which will (hopefully) never see the light of day. My career as a politician is effectively ruined, and that's all i'll say about that.


Originally uploaded by Rob Rutherford.
Yah, i have no excuses.


Originally uploaded by Rob Rutherford.
The farie and her Sorcerer!
Rebecca and Rob.
Although with that robe on, it was said that i kind of looked like Dumbledore's transvestite brother! I'll let you be the judge.


Originally uploaded by Rob Rutherford.
Here is a photo of my most recent adventure. I had to go and pick up my sunglasses that my Mom sent me from Canada. The post office was located just off of Church Square. To get there i hopped into a Kombie (or Mini-bus Taxi) and took it to the centre of town. Once i picked up my parcel, i put some postcards in the mail, then had a bit of a wander around downtown pretoria and do some shopping. I got a bag, some hangers, two trips in a minibus, and tiped some people, all for under $20. I love that exchange rate.

This is a picture of the Jacaranda tree, an invasive species of tree from South America. They bloom with purple flowers in the spring and then go green in the summer. right now Pretoria is a mixture of green and purple. it's really beautiful.

Just a note about PostCards. I am getting them and i do plan on sending some to all the people on my list, but you have to wait for me to go someplace to pick them up. otherwise everyone would be getting Pretoria post cards!


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

The "Teaser" Update

I really don't have the time to spend to fully up-date this thing on all the cool stuff i've been up to. i'm here in the office on a Sunday aiming to get a paper finnished today. it'll be my first deliverable for my internship and, i think, will be posted on the AWIRU website. i'll post a link if/when that happens.

I have tons of photos to share, of my thanksgiving dinner last sunday, and Nikki's housewarming/dress-up party that went on yesterday.

Tomorrow, i'm taking the day off work. My sunglasses finally came in and i'm goig to ahve to make the trek to Church Square in Downtown Pretoria to pick them up. Tried to do it yesterday, but i forgot my ID so i couldn't get them!

So big long post, tomorrow or possibly tuesday. i promise!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Well i've frittered all my time away and i cannot give a very long up-date, but my thanksgiving dinner here was amazing and i'll report on it all in full detail soon. but until then, enjoy the pics!

Me Carving the Turkey

Everyone enjoying their Thanksgiving meal,
From left to right- Rebecca, Kieran, Jame's Girlfriend's daughter (i forget her name), Jame's Girlfriend (ditto), Nikki, Ree and James

Thursday, October 05, 2006


So i just tried to purchase soem Skype Credit so that i could phone home at a reasonable rate and chat with my family and friends from time to time. I would have like to have done that. but this stupid fucking mastercard sercure system and having to go through a third party has made this nigh on impossible!
I am currently waiting for a "Conformation e-mail" from this MonneyBookers account so that i can put in the right code to actually pruchase this stupid bit of credit so i can call my friends.
anyways, to make myself feel better i spent the past while learning that you can upload photos from your computer via blogger now. how long has that option been there?
anyways, thats all.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Idly Bye

I just had the opportunity to watch Idly Bye's newest video "Obsession."
you can go and watch it here on Youtube and the Internet Archive.

I have to say that it was awesome! I'm a bit sad that i didn't get the opportunity to help out or be a part of it. but i guess there is always next year. I had to download the film from the internet archive because the CSIR internet has blocked youtube completely, the dorks!

you can also go and watch "Remembering Raymond" the first Idly Bye production. it's also on Youtube.

I'm part of that one.