An adventure is simply an inconvenience rightly considered.

Monday, June 07, 2010

Witty, wistful, wonderful writer? Maybe, but not today.

This afternoon i was browsing my Twitter feed and came across a tweet from Scott Jones, a TV host for Electric Playground. He tweeted the address to his blog The Jones Report. In a desperate move to take a break from subdivision applications, i had a read. Now it may not be the most intellectual of content, but i found it amusing nonetheless.

It, however, did get me thinking, how can i write as witty and entertaining as he does?
I tend to just report the facts as they happen in my life, or at least i did when i updated this blog with any regularity.

Anyways, not that i aspire to become a videogame blogger, i hardly have time to dust off my Wii, let alone play it, cause i don't. I do, however aspire to write about my life, find adventure in the everyday and convey my own personal view of said adventures within the confines of this a hobby. Just to clarify.



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