An adventure is simply an inconvenience rightly considered.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Rob's African Adventure!!!

In 2006, Rob Rutherford left for the adventure of a lifetime...and almost didn't come back!!!
But he did and afterwards he and his friend Jarret compressed his +3000 photos into a video slideshow, consisting of 1000 of his favorite photos, and a few video clips here and there.
This video is up on the web (forever preserved by the internet archive project) for your viewing pleasure.
Now for a few words from Jarret, the videographer:

Rob's African Adventure video slideshow:
URL -- (Right-click save-as on QuickTime link)
Runtime -- 1:46:25
Size -- 786 MB
Format -- QuickTime H.264 (a recent version of QuickTime should play this without a hitch)
Approximate estimated download time -- 4 hours.

My apologies for the long download time. It is a long video and I squeezed it down as much as I could without sacrificing quality. provides the file hosting for free, and they are constrained for how much bandwidth they can give. Another benefit provides is, shockingly enough, archival. So theoretically, this link will still work for decades to come. I encourage you to become aware of the project and consider donating.

By the time you read this Rob will have a bunch of DVD copies of the slideshow as well. If you would like a copy, talk to him. They are NTSC format, which means they will only work on North American DVD players/TV sets.


There is also a drinking game you can play whilst watching the video, so as to make the slideshow more entertaining and to keep people from becomming disinterested, though i don't know who would, i mean, its a slideshow all about Rob, and who doesn't like Rob?!?


Sunday, June 24, 2007


I was reading Time Magazine one night last week as i was trying to get to sleep, i seemed to have a case of chronic insomnia last week, and i read that the following video has become one of the most popular videos on youtube as of recent, having over 5 million hits in just over a month. I has a particular interest in the video because it is of a pride of lions hunting water buffalo in Kruger National Park, South Africa. Honestly it is an incredibly awesome video of animals interacting in the "wilds" of a national park.

I watched the video at my friends Jarret and Jill's place and Dean was also there. Dean knew of another video called "I Was Robbed by Two Men." Honestly, this kind of thing makes me want to go to Japan all that much more! (not because of the dancing women and up-close chest shots - sickos, but because of how different everything there is, even tv.)

Thursday, June 21, 2007


Well i was going to write a big long blog entry on a few recent events, nothing major or exciting, but would provide an entertaining read nonetheless. But i'm being super lazy this evening. It is the first evening where i've been home at a decent hour and don't have a lot to do, so i'm enjoying it because i don't have a lot of lazing time over the next two weeks, it's going to be pretty much go go go for a while, so i'm just going to feed the dogs then go and watch the 3rd season of lost. i'll try to update this thing sunday or whatever.
Oh and go here, my friend Paul in the UK has a band and they've just put up their newest single. i can't seem to listen to it, but i'm sure you can. have a gander at BeattheRadar's myspace page.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Long Time Over-Due

So it's been a while since i updated this thing so i figured what better time to do it than at 12:37am on a Sunday morning. I just got home from the Charlie Murphy show at the Comic Strip this evening. My brother decided that is what he wanted to do for his birthday so i was happy to go along.
I have to say that live comedy is something i haven't really given mush thought about in the past. But having seen a few comics this evening (Paul Brown MC'd, there was another comic that came up before Charlie Murphy), i have to say that it is quite an enjoyable way to spend an evening.
The group of nine of us, a mixture of camp friends and cousins, met up in West Ed and had dinner int he food court, which i think was a lot more fun than a sit down restaurant. we were getting up moving around, goofing off and not really disturbing the people around us. lot of fun.

I have some big news for this up-date, it probably should have been the headliner for this post, but meh, too much emphasis is placed on headlines these days. I got my Japan job. I am now going to Japan for a year to teach English! I'm quite stoked about it because I've always wanted to go to Japan, but there is also a part of me that wants to stay home and enjoy the company of my family for a little while longer. But I've already got one brother coming out to visit me, so maybe i can convince some other family/friends to take advantage of the free accommodation that I'll have available when I'm over there!!! Jarret and Jill, I'm going to be working on you two the most!! no Hawaii for you!
Okay, I'm done here.