An adventure is simply an inconvenience rightly considered.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Ode to Strider

A week ago, one of our wolfhounds, Strider, passed away. He had been struggling with a heart condition for a little over 6 months before it finally gave out. It wasn't totally unexpected to see him go, but it was a little startling to see him deteriorate so fast. I'm just glad that i got to be there to comfort him as he passed away. He was the Patriarch of our wolfhounds. He will be missed.

This is one of my favorite photos of Strider. I took this from inside the house on a cold February day back in 2005. Strider was out in the front yard doing his own thing as the full moon began to rise out of the east.
It was just one of those scenes that make you stop and just admire the beauty of the scenery.

August 14th 2004 - July 19th 2007

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Last night i went to bed at 8:30pm. I was super super tired. I tried to pass the time by watching tv, to prolong going to bed too early, but started to fall asleep in front of that too. I've come to the (happy) conclusion that i don't like to watch tv in the summer and should try to occupy my time in better ways. i've been reading a lot, going running in the evenings, visiting with friends and going out to movies.

I can't wait for August to get here, i'll have more time to do the things that i want to do, such as travel, spend more time with friends who have fallen by the wayside of a much too busy life, see Erin more, hang with the family, and actually spend some time outdoors!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Harry Potter Trumps Nelson Mandela, Sad but true

So for the past month i ahve been reading Nelson Mandela's Autobiography "Long Walk to Freedom" and thus far it has been one of the most amazing (non-fiction) books i have ever read. I'm just over half way done with about 300 more pages to go. I thought i could have finished the book by July but i'm a terribly slow reader so unfortunately this is not the case. yesterday i put aside Nelson Mandela to begin re-reading the 6th book of Harry Potter, in preparation for the release of the 7th. I just thought that it was a bit sad in a way that a fictional character has trumped the life story of one of the most influential people of our time.
That is not to say that i've put down Nelson Mandela's story for good, but just that with all the hype of the 7th book and me not wanting to have the end spoiled for me, that i have had to schedule my recreational reading around the release of the 7th book.

P.s. I tend to ramble, a lot, in this blog