An adventure is simply an inconvenience rightly considered.

Friday, May 18, 2007

boring stay at home life

I realized today that this evening was the first time i had left my house in four days! how pathetic is that? Well its not that pathetic, i mean i am writing a research paper that is slowly sucking the life right on outta me!! but it's getting done and i'm thinking that in about 3 more days i'll have the rough draft completed and ready for editing. Jaqui, if you read this blog, it's coming, just give it time.
Anyways, thats about as exciting as my life gets.

I'm getting so frustrated with this paper. its not that the work is too hard, because it's not and i know i can pull this off, it is just that it's time consuming. I feel like i haven't been able to really start my life here in Canada because i'm still working on finishing my life up in South Africa. There are so many things that i want to be doing at the moment, like looking for some awesome community development projects to volunteer for, to maybe look for a better summer job than driving food carts at the hospital again (low point of my week actually, i accepted a shift for June 2nd - i want to kill myself), join a tae kwon do club in Edmonton, work out at the gym to lose the 15 pounds i gained in Africa, spend countless hours in front of the tv getting caught up on tv shows such as Grey's, Lost, Scrubs, the Office, Smallville, Heroes, etc., or prepare for my interview to go teach English in Japan which is on May 31st! There are many, many more things on that list, that i just can't do or get done becuase i am working on this paper, and when i'm not i'm trying not to think about the obscene amount of work i still have to do on that paper!!!

okay enough ranting...The GF is visiting for the weekend, so i'm happy, i can take the next two days off from paper writing to hang out with her!!!

and just cause i haven't uploaded a photo in a very long time...Here is an oldie of me in the Lake District during my 7 month stint in the UK. I'm doing my "the Hills are alive, with the sound of music" reinactment. and Who could blame me, just look at that awesome scenery!!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Just an update to keep the reader's reading

So i don't have a lot to say this time around, my life has become quite boring as of late. I'm not having as many wacky and crazy adventures these days, back home in Alberta. Though i did travel to Saskatchewan last wednesday to visit my girlfriend in North Battleford.
Now i am working from home, trying to get the work done that i didn't finish while i was in South Africa. It should take me about a week. So i'd better get cracking.
I'll write up the wacky advenutres i had on the airplane back to North America in a little while, because now i must go and get ready to do some work!