An adventure is simply an inconvenience rightly considered.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

I thought i had some things to say, i set aside some time to update my blog. Now as i am here writing, i realize that i don't have a lot of exciting news.
I've just been w orking 8 hour days for the past 3 weeks. been getting up at 5:45am to make it to work for 7am. Not once did i make it there on time. though i was never later than 15 min. shhh don't tell my boss that!
not much of a social life to speak of. in the evenings i'm too knackered to go out or do anything. plus i have to wait around for my parents to get off work to go home. so by the time i'm home i am just ready to stay there. sad life i know.
Once school picks up, then i'll be having more fun. i came to realization yesterday that i need things like school in my life to keep my occupied. otherwise i get lazy and i just lie around the house feeling sorry for myself. it is hard to get myself motivated, but if there is a deadline or goal that is dictated by a 3rd party i am more likely to strive to achieve it that i would if it were i who established the goal or deadline. it is much easier to let yourself down than it is other people.

Thursday, July 28, 2005


I am at work
it is 8am
i do not wish to be here anymore
though i do like having money to pay off my debts
this is as much of an update on my blog as you are going to get for while
(until the weekend at any rate)

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Originally uploaded by Rob Rutherford.
And now i have returned home. Its good to be back but i'll never foreget the people i've met and the experiences i've had.
Thanks for comming along for the ride.

(ps, for those of you in the UK, if you are intereted in seeing more photos, just clikc on any photo in this blog and it'll take you to my photo stream. i've only includeed the photos that helped tell my story, if you want to see more, go check it out for yourself!)
(pps, don't forget to leave me a comment on the blog. just click on comments and follow the links, it's be nice to hear what you guys think and have to say!)

Rob, Jane and Caitlin

Rob, Jane and Caitlin
Originally uploaded by Rob Rutherford.
Sorry, i couldn't resist.
Who doesn't like seeing photos of me surrounded by beautiful women? I ask you.

Rob's Chaos

Rob's Chaos
Originally uploaded by Rob Rutherford.
But all good things must come to an end.
It took me about 8hrs to fully cram all this shit into two suitcases and two carry-ons.
I am the Master Packer!

Gz Extrav

Gz Extrav
Originally uploaded by Rob Rutherford.
This is the actual extrav. T'was a grand evening!

Sonic Death Monkey

Sonic Death Monkey
Originally uploaded by Rob Rutherford.
This was the best team at the Gz mini-extrav football tournement.
granted we lost 3, tied 1 and won 1, but still we had heart.


Originally uploaded by Rob Rutherford.
So i flew home to great friends, good times and excellent food!

Charlie and the Medeterrainian

Charlie came along too!
He had a much better time than i did.

Rob and Preixan

Rob and Preixan
Originally uploaded by Rob Rutherford.
Later, after the decision to return home early had been made, i decided i wanted the opportunity to practice my french. so i headed off to france. i volunteered at this Hostel outside of Carcassonne.
This trip was a major bust. everyone at the hostel was english and there was this retraded dutch guy. any more info go back and check the blog entry pertaining to Carcassonne.

Rob and AJ Conquer The Lake District

Living so close to the Lake District for 7 months, you'd think i would hav emanaged to get up there a few times to truly explore and enjoy its natural beauty. well you're wrong. I spent so much time exploring other parts of Europe and England i totally neglected Lancaster and surrounding regions.
But i did manage to get up there for one day, with my good friend AJ. We had an awesome time conquring the Lake District!

Rob, John and Juanita

Rob, John and Juanita
Originally uploaded by Rob Rutherford.
So the next few posts are going to be photos from the last month and a half of my trip. Enjoy!
This one was taken June 1st, the day i met my uncle for the very first time. It was a bit awkward at first but as the afternoon progressed we got to know each other better and by the end it had been quite the enjoyable visit. (with the exception of a few converstations, note to self, don't bring up Michael Jackson among these two!)

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

What a mind trip

Well i'm back home in good ole Alberta. After a staggering 21 hour journey door to door i've finally made it back home.
I left my friend Ben's place around 11am UK time. I arrived at my house in Canada at 2am Albertain time (for those of you who don't know the conversion rate, i technically arrived at 9am the next morning, UK time). Of those 21 hours i managed to sleep a grad total of 2, possibly 3 hours. was very tired last night.
I went to bed at about 4am and have woken up at 9am feeling like it is the afternoon.
So for any of you who have this address in the UK, i'm alive and well back at home. i'll send out a big group e-mail saying the same later on.
well off to have some breakfast, or is it lunch?

Monday, July 04, 2005

Only 14 more hours left in the UK

So this is the last post i'll manage to get done while still in the UK. I wanted to do a nice retrospective on my time here in the UK, but things have been so hectic these past few weeks that i just haven't had the time. i've either been saying good bye or travelling to my next destination.
I've made some great friends, and have seen some awesome sights. the adventures have been many and my horizons broadend.
I'm truly greatful for my time spent here in the Uk and i have no regrets about going into debt for it nor anything that i've done since moving to my new home.
so i guess that is it. anything else i have to say, will have to wait until i get back home to Canada!
See all of you back home real soon!
All of you here in England, hope to see you again in a little while, Keep in touch.

Friday, July 01, 2005

One Big Mess

I am currently in the process of packing up my dorm room. Everything i own here in the UK is either packed away in a suitcase or strewen about in various piles along the floor.

It is my last day at Lancaster University and i've been busy packing everything away. Somehow i fell that this was the best way to spend the last day. if i hadn't, i would have realized that this is the last time i'll be in this place in a very long time.

well...back to work.