An adventure is simply an inconvenience rightly considered.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Guess What Movie I saw on the Weekend?

Originally uploaded by Rob Rutherford.
That's right, X-Men: The Last Stand. It was so good.
And thus begins my annual summer obsessions of pop culture. It has already begun. I went out and bought X-Men Legends 2 for the X-Box and i plan to spend the next week veging out in the living room playing both X-Men Legends 1 an 2. This is an escape from reality, i'm aware of it.
But, before i delve totally into geekdom, i'm going to have to get some job applications put out. i'm still trying to write a cover letter for this city job, i actually started it today, and i'm going to go and get some of the documents i need to do ample research for an interview if i get one. i hope to have this application complete by Tuesday.
Later dudes

Monday, May 22, 2006

Boring run-of-the-mill update

Well seeing as i haven't written in this thing for ages and i'm on my break at work with nothing to read, nothing good anyways, i figured i's update this thing with what has been going on in my life.
After finnishing university i took a long-desired week off and did absolutely nothing. i became a waste of life, lying around the house and watching day-time tv. by about thrusday, i had gotten tired of it all and went around the Glenrose and Royal Alexandra Hospitals (where i work) looking for some hours because i was broke, or pretty damn close to it. luckily there were some shifts available in the Houseman department.
The following week i started work (this is the 1st of may to the 19th) for two weeks delivering phone books to the entire hospital, so well over 7 pallets of phone books. i did get to see some cool things while switching around the old for the new, i got to see some MRI's and CAT scans being performed and live syrgeries. but i'd never do that job again ever. it was exhausting.
I kept telling myself that i needed to get out and start job hunting. or at least have a nice long talk with myself to figure out what i want to do with my degree. but honestly nothing comes up. i'm terrified of making a career commitment and then realizing that i don't like it and becomming trapped in something that i don't like. i know what i'm interested in, but i might not have the capacity to persue it. when it all comes down to it, it is simply fear of doing something new that is keeping me from getting my career started. that, and sloth, i'm terribly lazy. i really need a kick in the pants to get myself motivated.

i've kind of fallen into a slump right now. maybe it's the post-graduation blues, the realization that i'm not the person i once thought i was or maybe it might be the early signs of depression, all i know is that i don't like the path my life is headed down right now, and if i don't start doing things to change it, i'm going to wind up hurting the ones i care about and/or myself.

sorry for the negative ending to this, but i'm not in a postitive headspace at the moment.