An adventure is simply an inconvenience rightly considered.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Busy Busy

So this week has been extremely busy and super awesome! My sister got married and apparently when a Rutherford gets married it is a 5 day event!
Last Wednesday was the bachelor party (Martin, the groom, didn't have too many friends come from Quebec so we, Alex's brothers, threw him a bachelor party)
Thursday was the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner.
Friday was the "Welcome Guests" soiree at my Grandma's house
Saturday was the actual wedding
and Sunday was the Gift Opening brunch and wrap-up BBQ
i'm pooped!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Rob Graduates

Rob Graduates
Originally uploaded by Rob Rutherford.
Well it's official, i am the proud owner of that expensive little paper that says i'm educted. I got my BA in Human Geography with French Language and Cultural Studies.
The ceremony was a lot more enteraining that i thought it would be. the speeches were inspiring and upbeat, they were not dry and everyone who was there seemed to genuinely want to be there.
There were so many faces there that i recognized from around campus but had no idea who they were or what year they were in. I found a few friends and friends of friends who were also graduating today, notably, Sarah, Laura, Amy and Julia, and on my way to the Jubilee i ran into Matt, he is convocating this afternoon. It was just a great way to say good bye to the University of Alberta.
Everyone has been saying that it'll be boring and all you do is spend 2hours of your day in a hot auditorium listening to people you've never met go on and on and then watch as they call out a couple hundred random stranger's names.
well I have a different opinion on the whole graduation ceremony. I liked it today and i thought it was the perfect way to end my university career (well, my undergraduate university career).
I mean, i just spent the last four years of my life, technically ony 2 and a half at the U of A, working to get where i am today. That is a substantial achievement, four years is a long time to be doing anything, especially if you are ADHD like me and have a hard time focusing on one task for 5 minutes!
What i'm trying to get at here is, for all of you who think graduation ceremonies are a waste of time or you are too cool to attend or you just don't care, you are missing out. the ceremony is a certain finality celebrating your achievements and are well worth it.
(sorry, another rant, i'll try to make my next post less critical)

I"M DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (for now....)

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Guys may have feet fetishes, but they sure as hell don't involve shoes!

I really don't understand why women get so excited over shoes. why do they enjoy shopping for them so much and why do they need to buy so many? I just don't get it, shoe shopping is the most annoying ting in the world.

I recently had to go and buy a new pair of runners for the Baker's Dozen race that i am going to participate in on the 30th of July. You'd think it'd be easy, and it first.
So i walked in there, i saw the pair of shoes that i liked, i got the running room staff to verify if this pair is indeed the right kind of shoe for me by doing thier walk analysis thing. they said yep this type would be great. so i aksed for a size 11, because my shoe size is anywhere between a 10 and an 11 mens. I like to have a little bit of space for my feet as i develop blisters really easily and get really uncomfortable if my feet feel bound or cramped (its a weird idiocyncrasy that i have, maybe i'm OCD to a small degree, i don't know).
So i buy the shoes. I'm happy. a couple of days later i go and test them out at the track at Kinsmen becuase all sales are final if you wear them outside. so i'm runnin around the track and they feel great, the support is there and my knees (the reason why i decided to buy new shoes was because my old runners had lost their padding and were causing my knees to hurt during and after running) were feeling great. but there was too much space in the shoe. it kind of felt like i was wearing clown shoes.

two days later, last friday, i take them back to the Running Room on 109th st and ask for a smaller size. they don't have a 10 or a 10 1/2. they do, however, in Sherwood Park. well lucky me, i'm on my way to Sherwood Park with my dad to go to Millenium Place, the place where the Running Room with the right size of shoes is located. So i go to this Running Room and they don't have them. the computer said they did, but they don't, or at least the sales woman couldn't find them.

well fuck.

So now i have to go back to the Running Room on 109th st and ask them to order the right kind of shoe so that i can continue my training. Why don't shoe sales men/women measure feet anymore? whatever happened to those metal foot measuring devices that they used to have when we were kids? you know the one with the adjustable side to see how wide your foot was and the front that moved to fit your foot.

this is not the first time that i had to go to multiple stores to buy the shoes that i wanted. i once had to go to 5 different pay-less shoe stores in order to get one pair of shoes that fit. and even now, although they look good, the soles are way to hard and they hurt my feet. it's ridiculous.

I hate shoe shopping. And that's all i have to say about that.

Thursday, June 08, 2006


Originally uploaded by Rob Rutherford.
I was looking over my blog and i was thinking that i don't have enough photos on it. so here, for your viewing pleasure, is a photo of myself.
just incase some of you, mostly overseas people, forgot what i looked like. Here I am!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Thoughts on Family

I tend to blog in my head and thats the reason why i don't update so much. its kind of a funny phenomenon, the way my thoughts on various personal issues can be formulated in a way as if they are being read by complete strangers on the internet. i am finding myself doing this often, though not often enough to be worried about, but it usually starts by me thinking about my blog and that i haven't updated in a while and then another neuron fires and i start thinking about various personal aspects of my life, such as my family, my friends, lack of enthousiasm for job hunting, etc. and voila my brain starts formulating a mental blog.

today i was thinking about the imending nuptuals of my sister. she is getting married at the end of the month. then i began thinking about my family and the relationships therein. The fact is, i'm not very clost to my family. well thats a lie, i'm close with them, we have sunday dinners together most sundays, we get along great with each other and we all rarely, if at all, fight. the relationships i'm talking about are the friendships that exist with a family. On a personal level, i don't fell all the well connected to my siblings. I'm probably closer to some of my friends than i am to my brothers and sister. This bothers me.

I am well aware that is nearly impossible to keep all of your friends in your life. that friends will come and go, some amicably others not so much. i've had friends and relationship disappear as time goes on. this is a fact of life. It is only the true friends that will last a lifetime. It is my personal opinion that family is the only thing that can truly beat time (as well as really strong friendships, there thats my disclaimer, so that my friends who read this don't think that i'll eventually drop them somewhere down the road)

Basically my point is this (this is a cop-out, i really could turn this thought into an entire essay, but i really should get back to work): that i want to be closer to my brothers and my sister. I want to make them more than my siblings, i want them to become my friends. i want to talk to them about deeper things than simply family stuff. have them there when things are bad, and be there for them when things are bad for them.

well that turned out to be more of a personal post than i ment it to be. oh well. c'est ma vie, je ne changerai pas.