An adventure is simply an inconvenience rightly considered.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

postings to come

lame, i know.
but i do have plans to up-date this blog with wonderful stories of my time so far in Kelowna. But i just can't do it right now. maybe next week.
anyways, if you want some tidbits of life in Kelowna, check out Erin's blog.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Die Schuld

Here is the video that the U of A team 2 completed for the 24/One film competition. It was so much fun working on this film and meeting so many new people. As always i tend to meet so many cool people right before i leave a place. never fails.
Anyways, enjoy. It was a group effort and that effort shows in the awesomeness of this film.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Video Blog 1.0

So this is the explanation of why Erin and I didn't go to Japan, plus some fun footage of our trip to West Ed Mall where we met with our new landlord. We're moving to Kelowna!!!
I know i've been slack on the updates recently, and that they've all been videos. I'll try to muster up something intersting to write about in the near future. but for now i'm busy packing and getting ready to move on Saturday!!!
Enjoy the vid!