An adventure is simply an inconvenience rightly considered.

Thursday, June 21, 2007


Well i was going to write a big long blog entry on a few recent events, nothing major or exciting, but would provide an entertaining read nonetheless. But i'm being super lazy this evening. It is the first evening where i've been home at a decent hour and don't have a lot to do, so i'm enjoying it because i don't have a lot of lazing time over the next two weeks, it's going to be pretty much go go go for a while, so i'm just going to feed the dogs then go and watch the 3rd season of lost. i'll try to update this thing sunday or whatever.
Oh and go here, my friend Paul in the UK has a band and they've just put up their newest single. i can't seem to listen to it, but i'm sure you can. have a gander at BeattheRadar's myspace page.


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