An adventure is simply an inconvenience rightly considered.

Sunday, June 24, 2007


I was reading Time Magazine one night last week as i was trying to get to sleep, i seemed to have a case of chronic insomnia last week, and i read that the following video has become one of the most popular videos on youtube as of recent, having over 5 million hits in just over a month. I has a particular interest in the video because it is of a pride of lions hunting water buffalo in Kruger National Park, South Africa. Honestly it is an incredibly awesome video of animals interacting in the "wilds" of a national park.

I watched the video at my friends Jarret and Jill's place and Dean was also there. Dean knew of another video called "I Was Robbed by Two Men." Honestly, this kind of thing makes me want to go to Japan all that much more! (not because of the dancing women and up-close chest shots - sickos, but because of how different everything there is, even tv.)


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