An adventure is simply an inconvenience rightly considered.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Rob Graduates

Rob Graduates
Originally uploaded by Rob Rutherford.
Well it's official, i am the proud owner of that expensive little paper that says i'm educted. I got my BA in Human Geography with French Language and Cultural Studies.
The ceremony was a lot more enteraining that i thought it would be. the speeches were inspiring and upbeat, they were not dry and everyone who was there seemed to genuinely want to be there.
There were so many faces there that i recognized from around campus but had no idea who they were or what year they were in. I found a few friends and friends of friends who were also graduating today, notably, Sarah, Laura, Amy and Julia, and on my way to the Jubilee i ran into Matt, he is convocating this afternoon. It was just a great way to say good bye to the University of Alberta.
Everyone has been saying that it'll be boring and all you do is spend 2hours of your day in a hot auditorium listening to people you've never met go on and on and then watch as they call out a couple hundred random stranger's names.
well I have a different opinion on the whole graduation ceremony. I liked it today and i thought it was the perfect way to end my university career (well, my undergraduate university career).
I mean, i just spent the last four years of my life, technically ony 2 and a half at the U of A, working to get where i am today. That is a substantial achievement, four years is a long time to be doing anything, especially if you are ADHD like me and have a hard time focusing on one task for 5 minutes!
What i'm trying to get at here is, for all of you who think graduation ceremonies are a waste of time or you are too cool to attend or you just don't care, you are missing out. the ceremony is a certain finality celebrating your achievements and are well worth it.
(sorry, another rant, i'll try to make my next post less critical)

I"M DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (for now....)


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