An adventure is simply an inconvenience rightly considered.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

I thought i had some things to say, i set aside some time to update my blog. Now as i am here writing, i realize that i don't have a lot of exciting news.
I've just been w orking 8 hour days for the past 3 weeks. been getting up at 5:45am to make it to work for 7am. Not once did i make it there on time. though i was never later than 15 min. shhh don't tell my boss that!
not much of a social life to speak of. in the evenings i'm too knackered to go out or do anything. plus i have to wait around for my parents to get off work to go home. so by the time i'm home i am just ready to stay there. sad life i know.
Once school picks up, then i'll be having more fun. i came to realization yesterday that i need things like school in my life to keep my occupied. otherwise i get lazy and i just lie around the house feeling sorry for myself. it is hard to get myself motivated, but if there is a deadline or goal that is dictated by a 3rd party i am more likely to strive to achieve it that i would if it were i who established the goal or deadline. it is much easier to let yourself down than it is other people.


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