Trying to find something useful to do with this Blog
I have been slacking as of late, in regards to getting this blog updated with news and info regarding my life. Unfortunately, not a whole heck of a lot.
I was contemplating this blog and the reasons why i started it in the first place. I wasn't aiming to become an avid blogger, someone who writes editorial-style to the masses on the world-wide web about what i like and what i don't like, nor did i intend to educate the public on my various political views or about what celebrity is doing who (and Brittany, let's not forget about Brittany!).
Nope, the reason for the existence of this little page on the internet, was a method for me to write home about my various adventures in far off placed without having to send out mass e-mails. And, i believe, for that purpose this blog has succeeded.
The reason i haven't up-dated it recently is because my life is incredibly boring at the moment. I am currently just working trying to make rent and pay the bills. Erin and I spend our spare time doing things in Kelowna or just chill at home. We argue just like any other couple, but we laugh a lot too. It's the laughter that i love the most.
But regardless of that, I do hope to do more with this blog that simply write about my experiences. I hope to contribute in some small way to the information sharing of the internet and somehow create linkages between myself (the author) and the reader (you guys). I haven't quite figured this all out, but i'm working on it. At the very least, i'll just keep doing what i'm doing and post info about my life on the internet for Grandma and Jill to read, but hopefully i'll be able to start adding interactive media and video blogs here in the near future for all to enjoy. Rob's Adventures is headed into bold and new directions, let's see how this pans out...