An adventure is simply an inconvenience rightly considered.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Awesome People

I'm very cross that i'm meeting so many amazing people in South Africa, a mere month before i return to Canada. this makes leaving all that much harder. I mean, i'll probably remember them for years to come, where as i'll probably only show up as a tiny little blip on their radar. sigh.
Today, for instance i had the opportunity to meet Patrick Chamusso the man who was tortured as a terrorist during the Apartheid era, partly blew up the Skunda power plant (the, then, largest coal to oil refinery in the world) and was sentenced to 25 years on Robbin Island. His story has been recounted in the film "Catch a Fire." He is so nice and so amazing and is just the coolest person i have ever met. he is my new hero and i can not wait to go back to his home/orphanage for AIDS orphans tomorrow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's amazing, Rob. You are lucky to have had these experiences. They are the kinds of things that you'll definitely remember for the rest of your life. I can't wait until you're back -- I want to see pictures and hear stories. By the way, have you picked up any South African music? Your ethnomusicologist friend back in Edmonton/DC wouldn't be a good ethnomusicologist if she didn't inquire! :)

Seriously, though, I've missed you and Erin a lot, and I can't wait until you come back.

8:14 PM

Blogger Rob said...

Hey Niyati, i have found one south african band that i am absolutely ga-ga over, freshly ground. they are amazing!!! but i'll play some for you when i get back, 't'll be soon!!!
miss you!

2:26 AM


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