An adventure is simply an inconvenience rightly considered.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Missed Opportunities

One of my favorite things about school and learning is when you get the opportunity to do so in creative ways. I've always loved these opportunities to think outside the box and produce some work that was entertaining, creative and educational. this year was one of the first times in a long time where i had the opportunity to do such creative work. the communication project on environmental justice for instance. but unfortunately because of my time-management skills, or lack-there-of, this opporunity was squandered and done very badly. everytime think back to my video and group discussion i can't help but feel embarrassed and sad that i wasn't able to come up with something more original. and now it is going to affect my grade.
whatever i have to get back to work now, as i have a french essay to write tonight.


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