An adventure is simply an inconvenience rightly considered.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

I'm seeing Green

I had my Tae Kwon Do test today, where we perform our patterm, spar and break boards to get our next belt level. i was a yellow belt and was hoping i'd do well enough to get my yellow-green stripe belt (for those of you not familiar, the pattern goes white belt, novice, then yellow, green, blue, red and then black. there are a bunch of other levels after that but i don't know what they mean so i'm just going to leave it there) idid everything really well, except for the breaking of the boards part. i'd never broken a board punching it before. kicking is fine, thats easy, but they got all the yellow belts to punch through not just one board, but two! but me being me i gave it my all and i punched when the master said go!
I didn't break the boards, and got a bloody nuckle as a result. but it didn't hurt as much as i thought it would, i must have done it wrong, i don't know. so when they handed out the belts, no one was more suprised than i to find out that i had double upgraded and recieved my green belt. that was really awesome. anyways so that was my tae kwon do experience for the day. it was a lot of fun and i'm glad they're holding classes over the summer because now i can proactice a lot more without school getting in the way!

yah thats about all i have to day, its 1/4 to 9pm here and i have to get started on some homework. i have an EIA report due on tuesday that i really have to get done and tons of other things. i just decided to update my blog because no one else has updated theirs, thus i have nothing to read as a procrastination tool. sigh. people get typing!
anyways, back to the grind. one more week it'll all be over! woo hooo!


Blogger Sirina said...

Congrats on the green belt. I did Karate when I was younger and got to orange belt, but then they told me I was too ballerina-ish! It was true though, I can't deny my training!

11:02 PM


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