An adventure is simply an inconvenience rightly considered.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Life Thus Far

It has been a regular end of term week for myself. Last friday i Wrote my EAS 294 exam. I studied two straight days for that exam too. I think i did rather well, however there were a few things that i wish i had payed more attention to whilst studying, and i might have done better.

The exam was on a friday, i then had the rest of the weekend to study for my french exam the following monday. We had to write a poem in french for the exam, i'll post it here when i get home, right now i'm at work. I like what i wrote, i think it was clever and witty. It is all about what one needs to do in order to study the french language.

I was called into work on the saturday, to work the evening shift. I don't mind this shift that much when i do not have oodles and oodles of homework to get done on the weekend. Then I arrived home, got myself something to eat and then set about the task of writing my french poem. I was having major writer's block and finally, at 1am, decided to call it quits and go to bed.

Sunday, I set down to studying form my french final at 11am, by 1pm i had my french poem written in a rough draft. I revised for the remainder of the day and in the evening went through it and corrected all the grammatical errors that were present. there were many.

Monday was the last day of exams! i wrote my french final, i fell i did okay in it. Not the greatest but i don't think i failed it. I then met up with soem friends who were also finnished their exams at the same time. we went for Beer and lunch at RATT (the Room At The Top)It is one of my favorite bars in Edmonton, has a pub-like atmosphere and a decent selection of beer, but best of all it has a great skyline view of Campus and greater Edmonton, as it is on the 7th floor of the Student Union Building.

I then spent the remainder of the day wandering around campus waiting for my father to finnish work. It was then that i decided that i will try my hardest to find my own place to live in the new year. I know i have said this before, but i'm determined now more than ever to do so. I honestly feel like i am 15 again. I am beginning to act like a 15 year old. I am beginning to resent my parents and my family, simply based on the fact that i fell like a prisoner in my own home and a leech who has to get permission to do anything that involves leaving the property. Hopefully i will be able to make it work.

On tuesday, i resumed working, i'm really happy as i am working almost every day of the three weeks that we have off from university. I'm also experiencing the pangs of the post uni life. granted i'll be back in 3 weeks, but i really don't know what to do with all this free time. I love having my evenings empty of coursework and studying, yet i also feel somewhat lost. what do i do with all this freedom? End up sitting at home watching TV until its time for bed that what.

So now it is wedneday and i am going christmas shopping tonight while i wait for my mother to get her massage. again another reason why i need to move out, no more waiting around for parents to do their crappy errands.

Things are only going to get worse when my sister and Martin get here and need a car to do some sightseeing and wedding planning. They're going to throw another wrench in the already barely-functioning mode of transportation that is my life.
woah, this e-mail of my week turned out to be one bitter rant on transportation. sorry about that....Merry Christmas Everyone!


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