An adventure is simply an inconvenience rightly considered.

Friday, December 02, 2005

I Must Be Going Out Of My Mind

I've decided to skip classes today to work on a paper. Normally this would not be something to write about, many University students do the same thing all the time. I, however am feeling rather guilty for doing so, and i have no idea why.
I skipped class all the time at Lancaster. Well, not ALL the time, but much more so than i do here at home. Never gave it more than a "I really should go to class, but i'm hung over and sleep is much more educational."
But Here, at home, i don't know. I have to travel probably 10 times the distance to get to class than i did at Lancaster, I don't have the flexibility to go home whenever i want, and it is -14 dgrees outside, who wants to travel in that?!
There is more to it than just that and thats what scares me. its happening all over again, this is why i've decided to stay home. I hate becomming dependent on people, this is why i need the distance. To skip class and work on my paper.


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