An adventure is simply an inconvenience rightly considered.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Pull the Trigger and the Nightmare Stops

Why is it that when i have a deadline drawing near i can focus on one thing for well over 13hours straight, but when i know i should be working to meet that same deadline a couple of weeks in advance i can barely even put the potential topic into words?
Is this some kind of fucked up game i subconsciously like to play? Lets see how little i can do for as long as possible and then get everything done (half assed i might add) within two days of handing it in?
I know that i don't like it. Do i keep doig it simply becasue i can? What about working hard and doing the best you can do? Doesn't that count for anything? not in my mind apparently.
Maybe i just work better under pressure. It definitly focuses me. I spent all of 10 minutes this morning trying to comprehend one tiny aspect of this one paper i read for my essay, when i would have normally spent an hour trying to understand
I do know that i am happier when i'm busy, when my free time is limited. when if somthing doesn't get done when it needs to be, there won't be another chance to make up the time. There is another thing for me to bitch about later, time. I am obsessed with time!
enough with the ramblings of a sleep-deprived university student! i'm sure people have better things to do than read my few disjointed thoughts.


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