An adventure is simply an inconvenience rightly considered.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Procrastination to the Max!!!

20 days later and i'm finally updating this thing! it's just that my life isn't all that exciting anymore to warrent updating on a regular basis, like i did whilst in England.
But here i am, at work on my break trying to avoid reading a blurb about Postmodern Literature for a french essay that i have to write today! yah its going to be a very long day!
So, what have i been up to recently...
School is almost over, only a week and a half to go. I have two papers to have finnished before then. First the afore mentioned french essay, due wednesday, and then my dreaded Transportation and the Developing World paper. That one is going to have to be 15 pages long and i've only got a week and a half to write it! i'm screwed.
HuGSS finally has some money! We applied for funding from the Student groups association and were awarded $200! so now we are able to get the ball rolling on some of the activities we've been wanting to do. Firstly is our field trip to an Edmonton city planning office on the 7th of December. Its going to be the Human Geography day, because the executive are going to go for a curry lunch prior to going on the tour, then we're going to meet up with the rest of the group to do the tour and then finally that evening we are going to have our christmas social. I'm excited.
I'm finally going to go to the mountains. for those of you who don't know the story, i've been wanting to go for a trip to the rocky mountains for a couple of years now and have not been able to get my act together to make it happen. but on Dec 8th the family is going on a trip to Banff for the weekend. i'm actually kind of excited about it. It'll be an awesome way to take a break after this next week of essay writing.
Last weekend was my 23rd birthday. I'm now, with no shadow of a doubt, old. well not a young adult anymore. you see you can still get away with playing the immature card even at 22 years, cause its a nice round number and not too far removed from the teens. but 23, when you hit 23 you are a full blown adult. there is no turning back now. most people are graduated university by this time (though i'm still not...), they've got bills and responsibility. its a transition year thats for sure. i guess i'll just have to accept it.
I'm going to try and post some photos later, definitly within the next 20 days thats for sure. just some from my b-day party and possibly from the Christmas social.
we'll postmoderity awaits. Procrastinating must end!

ps. my stupid blog is still set to england time, i really don't know how to change it back.


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