An adventure is simply an inconvenience rightly considered.

Monday, November 07, 2005

You Wasted Life, Why Wouldn't You Waste Death

Its been quite a while since i last updated this thing, i figured that i'd do it now considering that i've got 1/2 an hour to kill and i'm really sick and tired about reading how Singapore is trying to reduce vehicle emmissions and pollution through the use of various economic policies.

Two weekends ago i went out with my friend Erin and a couple of her friends to the Bear's (a local radio station) Oktober frest. We had a great time, though it took us forever to get there (though the journey was fun, for some of us). There was authentic German saussage, lots of beer and a very old German drinking song that i had only ever heard my aunt sing when she gets drunk, it was quite a suprise to learn it wasn't jsut gibbersih after all. Plus lots of Polka music. They even played Roll Out The Barrell, it was exciting. We all got drunk really fast, and were pretty much polka'd out by midnight. Plus i had to work the next morning at 7am so i wasn't in the mood to stay out too late. However, i didn't actually get to sleep until 4am, so i only really got 2 hours of sleep that night.
That same evening, sunday after Oktober fest, was my Gran's 90th birthday supper. After work, i had to rush home to get changed into my suit and then head out with the family to La Ronde, the revolving resturant in Edmonton. It was a very posh place to eat. but we had a good meal, and even though i was too tired to make conversation a good time was had by all.

Last Saturday was my first day off in almost a month! It was nice to be able to sleep in again and actually have time to get down to my homework, even though i didn't really. Then that evening i had made plans with Jarret and Jill to meet up with them and hang out for a while. Unfortunately i got called into work for sunday so it wasn't a late evening, but still good to see them. Ever since they moved out communication has kind of dwindled, because they have to pay for their phones now. Needless to say it was nice to get a change to visit with them again.

So this week...i'm super busy trying to get all of my research for this term project done. The paper isn't due until the 6th of December and the presentation isn't due for another 2 weeks, but i really want to be done, well the rough draft of my paper at the very least, by the time i have to do my presentation. so time to stop slacking and actually get to work! Which means this entry has come to a close.

I'm going to try and post some photos of Oktober fest and maybe some others when i get them loaded onto my computer soon, so stay tuned for that.


Blogger Jillus said...

update this bloody thing!

1:27 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah Rob! Really!!! UPDATE!!!

4:24 PM


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