An adventure is simply an inconvenience rightly considered.

Monday, December 26, 2005

I'm Dreaming of a Brown Christmas

Hey all,
I know it is boxing day, I haven't had much spare time over the holidays to much of anything really. It is Dec 26th and i still don't have all of my christmas shopping done! How bad is that!?!?!

Other than that christmas went off without a hitch. On christmas eve, i worked at the Glenrose in food services. Luckily we got off an hour early, so i got home and was able to relax for an hour before the mad rush to get ready for christmas eve church began.

After church the family always gathers at my Aunt Debbie's house for a party. She puts on a buffet and everyone drinks themselves full of christmas cheer. The weather here in alberta has been amazing, for the past couple of days we have been above zero. getting 8 degrees celcius at the end of December is very out of the ordinary. everyone one was outside in only shirts and sweaters. All the snow, as a result, has melted and everyone one in Edmonton got to have a brown Christmas this year.

Christmas morning was a bit different this year at our house. We all slept in rather late, then we had breakfast before opening presents and even our stockings! this was because my Gran and cousin Dorelene came out to celebrate with us. everyone did really well this year.

As per usual, at about 3pm everyone headed out the door to head off to my other Grandma's house for a huge Christmas dinner. Good times were had by all. There was lots of great food (i ate myself into a turkey coma before the night was out), good company, kareoke, and even a poker tournament. Great fun.

Now i am currently at work, doing the stock counts for the Glenrose, I'm almost done here, and will be heading out boxing day shopping right away. so to everybody who reads this, I hope you had a merry Christmas, finde some great deals boxing day shopping, and have a very happy New Year.



Blogger Sirina said...

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11:21 PM

Blogger Sirina said...

I had to remove my previous post due to embarassing grammatical errors. Here is the fixed one:

C'mon Rob, time for an update! Lets hear about the moving adventure! It's 11:19 on Monday night, I am sitting in a hockey arena (with wireless access much to my surprise) and I am STARVED for entertainment! Not like you're a dancing monkey or anything, but I live vicariously because I am boring and spend my evenings in hockey arenas. You can pity me later.

P.S. how's this weekend looking for games night?

11:24 PM


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