An adventure is simply an inconvenience rightly considered.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Bienvenue à Carcassonne

Hey so i made it to Carcassone in one peice! the last wednesday leaving lancaster was hard because it was kind of like a foreshadow of what is soon to come, when i actually do leave for good. but i will be back so best to enjoy my time in france whilst i am here et parler le français1 typing on a french keyboard is different because the q, a, w, and m are all in different places!

anyways, on wednesday after the lake district (by the way, the childhood drem was not to touch sheep, but to just set off in the direction of a mountain and climb it, which i did! it was pointed out, that there might be some confusion) i met up with my friend AJ for one last pint, it was the last time we were going to see each other in Europe, (might visit each other later on down the road, in a few years) then i hoped a train to London. I spen thte night at Mark Steels place, then caught my flight to Carcassonne on thursday morning.

I arrived in the afternoon and was met by Jan, the lady who runs the hostel. im volunteering here, working 3hrs a day in exchange for a free bed. is helpîng keep the costs down. i met a nice American pair who just graduated uni and are on a 5 week tour of Europe. so we hung out last night and this afternoon. Meg and Brent are their names.

The work here is helping to build a new cabin for the hostel. it is weird because the wood being used all fits together like leggo, so i dont have to look the fool by not being able to use any tool of any kind! im going to do some exploring of the town tomorrow and then maybe plan a day trip (when the work is finnished of course!) to the medeterrainian sea.

but am off to fix myself some food. ill update this again in a week to let you know how i am getting on!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

JULY 4th, eh!! Can`t wait to see you! Have fun your last while in France.

I miss you loads...


Thanks for the e-mail... and sorry for not replying... but this is a japanese computer and it all the keys are switched around... in other words I am LAZY.

1:08 AM


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