An adventure is simply an inconvenience rightly considered.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Psychopath with a Conscience

On June 1st I met with my Uncle John and his wife Juanita for the first time since comming over here to the UK. He is an interesting person, she is exactly how Mom, Gran, etc described her and then some. I enjoyed the visit with them, it was good to connect with family members, even if it is for the first time.

This past weekend my mother prompted me to return home early and resume working at the hospital where i have been working for the past four years. It is a great job, the hours are good, the work is not very fast paced and the pay is decent. yet i can't help think that i'm going to be fucked either way i go. I have this feeling that i'll return to Canada, maybe start working for 3 weeks and then all the hours will be gone and i'll be left with no work and no way to pay off my debt. Where as if i was to look into lodging in Lancaster for the summer and find a cheap job here getting 5 pounds an hour and saved as much as i could, in the long run, i'll come out ahead by staying in the UK. I know this is not true, but deep down it doesn't feel like the right time to leave.

But the decision has been made, i'm going to be returing to Canada On July 4th (a Monday). I've been wafling back and forth on this for a while, on whether or not i'm happy about it. and honestly i don't think i am. However as my mother put it, I have a duty to repay those who have given me this opportunity and repay them i will.

I'm going to make the best of the situation and try to enjoy myself in Europe as much as i can before home. I've booked myself two weeks in the south of France working at a hostel for free accomidation, and it is just a stones throw away from Toulouse, and Montpellier, as well as Barcelona in Spain. I'll at least have some time to work on my tan before i return to Canada.


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