An adventure is simply an inconvenience rightly considered.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

6 months

yesterday, June 1st, was the six month anniversary of my arrival in England. I realized this as i was hanging out with my friend AJ planning a trip to the Lake District for this weekend. My time here really has flown by. At the same time it seems like my trip to the continent was ages ago.

I have been thinking a lot about financial costs and jobs and other such matters a lot recently. I have been looking for jobs in France for the summer. That is my ideal goal. I feel i really need the practice using my french so that i'll be able to do better in my french classed next september. however, actually finding the jobs is the hard part. Also, just living here in England is now becomming financially draining. I owe my parents a lot of money and that debt is costing them money on a monthly basis through interest, so i really want to start earning some cahs to be able to pay down my debts. If i return back to Canada and resume working at the hospital i could earn some money and begin paying off my parents and my line of credit, not to mention start saving up to pay for my fall tuition.

So the decision i have to make is; do i give up my goals, go against my personal philosophy of "never settle" (for anything less than what you want) and return to Alberta or should i go for it, try to remain in Europe unitl Aug 15th (my original return date) and try to find work where i will have the opportunity to bone up on my french.

So i think i am going to give myself until June 17th. if i have not been able to find any sort of lead, or employment opportunity in France, I will travel around a bit more, attend my friends' graduation ceremony in Lancaster around the 14th of july, and then return home around the 18th of July.

The only thing i fear about returning home early is resenting making that decision.


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