An adventure is simply an inconvenience rightly considered.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

life in Kelowna

has been incredibly busy!
but things are plugging along and i've been keeping busy. Hence the neglecting of the regular up-dates. though that argument can be countered by the fact that in the past i've been not busy and not up-dated either. but this time my excuse is legit.
October was a month of trying to get settled, figuring out what life in Kelowna had to offer and figuring out the basics of everyday life. Time was taken exploring the region, the city, figuring out how to get around, what to do and, of course, job search.
November has involved living that life. I've had to take on a few cash-flow jobs in order to meet living needs and have been busy with those, banquet serving at the coast capri hotel and blackjack dealing at the local casino. I had my first shift last week and enjoyed it and am looking forward to my next shift tomorrow.
This past week i've been too busy with work to focus on my job search, working 16hr days does not leave room in the day for much more than working and sleeping, with a little bit of eating thrown in there for flavour.
however, this week i'm spending the days doing the job search, i have a few more leads on potential employers, and then working at the Casino or banquets in the evenings. I'm hoping more on the casino because it is more fun, i think.

ps. i also had an awesome hr long chat with some friends in the UK today and that totally made my day!


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