An adventure is simply an inconvenience rightly considered.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Trying to figure out what life's all about

Well the rain hasn't stopped, in fact it's gotten harder, so i'm blogging again!! Blogger and Facebook, what a good waste of time!

I've actually been giving a lot of thought as to what direction i should be taking when my internship finnishes at the end of the month. There are so many opportunities available to me and so many different career paths. This internship has been great for me in that it has given me invaluable experience which will help me move on up the career ladder, but its just trying to figure out which ladder i want to start climbing.

I have no problem making a mistake and choosing the wrong path, and having to change later on in life, mistakes are a part of who i am, i've come to accept them and (as chiche as it sounds) learn from them.

I'm just starting to feel a little left behind by my peers. Like i should have some awesome job in a field that i love. I know this isn't true, look at what i'm doing. i have an awesome job in a field that i love (even though the pay is how shall we say, less than competitive).

I was talking to a friend that i made in Joburg last weekend and we were discussing our various african adventures (he's American, and has been living in SA for about as long as i have been). it is so easy to disassociate yourself from your life and the stories you tell. I'll tell somebody about the time i went swimming in a rock pool above victoria falls, or how i'll have three publications to my name when i'm finished my internship and to me it doesn't seem all that incredible or that huge of an accomplishement. Yet, i'll listen to my new American friend tell his stories of his summers in Europe, listen to Kieran go on about Austrailia or read an e-mail from Kendra (Lefleche - friend from uni) who is travelling through Kenya and i'll just feel like "you guys are sooooo coool1 i wish i could do awesome stuff like that."

I don't know exactly what i'm trying to get across here. I'm just waiting for the rain to stop. I guess the point of this is, when all is said and done, that i have a very hard time realizing the accomplishemnts i've made, which is, in turn, making it difficult to figure out what accomplishments i want to make next. How can you go out and do greater things when you can't see the great things you've already done?

Maybe i'm just comming across as conceided, but i don't think so. I just want to figure out what i want to do with my life next. I'm finding it very difficult to figure out what is best for me, when i see all the amazing stuff my friends and family are doing, and am influenced to change what i want because i see what they're doing as "better" or "more amazing."

Hey look, it stopped raining, i'm off to go and walk around Cape Town.


Blogger Alex said...

I'm afraid you'll always feel that way. A nice cliché, but true : The grass is always greener on the otherside. I often get jealous of my friends that are traveling around the world and doing crazy stuff, but Martin is always there to remind me, how many are probably a little jealous that I'm married to a wonderful guy, bought a house and am quite settled? This doesn't stop me from wanting to pack everything up and go off for another adventure! At the moment, I'll just have to be happy with shorter trips.

I'm not sure you'll have feel like you've done enough, there is always a great adventure off in the distance, and nor do you have to give that up, but you have to be content with the life you choose to lead, and unfortuntatly if you are always looking all over the place, you sometimes don't see what is in front of your face. Not sure exactly what I'm trying to say here, other than I know how you feel!

Love you Rob!

8:21 AM

Blogger Johanna Klein said...

I just want to refer you to the title of your blog: ROB'S ADVENTURES. I'm gonna go ahead and add another cliche here: life is all about the journey, not the destination. It doesn't matter where you're headed, it matters how you get there! I agree with Alex with the whole grass is greener stuff.
I am insanely jealous that my little sister is getting married in July and has bought a house and is planning to have kids in the next year. But, if you talk to her, she's insanely jealous that I live in the UK and go travelling in my free time.
So, let me ask you this question....
If you knew exactly what you wanted and then got it, what would be left for you to do?
OK, now I'm rambling...hope you kinda get what I think I'm trying to say....

7:07 AM


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