An adventure is simply an inconvenience rightly considered.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Things i'm already beginning to learn about South Africa

1. They speak with thick accents and probably think i am a bit dim when i get them to repeate e-mail addresses 5 times over
2. they have the coolest "hold" music, its like someone playing the xylophone in a fun-up-beat manner. not like out sleepy elevator music here in Canada
3. Don't even bother trying to understand what they say when they answer the telephone, you won't undrstand it, start speaking immediately otherwise they'll hang up!

The Visa hunt continues, as i still need to get proof of accommodation and the letter from Dr. Goldin regarding my internship, my chest x-ray, medical form signed and stamped, and finally my passport, which will be ready at noon on wednesday!
I now know that VISA stands for Very Irritating Stress Accentuator! don't let anyone tell you different.


Blogger Johanna Klein said...

Wow, sounds like a lot of work to get a Visa! Congratulations on your new position and I'm sorry I missed you while I was in Canada. Keep me up-to-date on all your adventures, and if you ever return to the UK for a pit-stop, be sure to call me!
Good Luck!

5:29 AM


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