An adventure is simply an inconvenience rightly considered.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Start Spreading The News!

So I really should have up-dated this thing as soon as I heard. I was just so excited. I GOT A JOB!!!!! Well not a "real" job, but the best one I could have possibly hoped for. I scored myself a research internship in...Wait for it....SOUTH AFRICA!!! That’s right, this way-ward, wandering Canadian is on the move again and has set his sights on Africa.
It all came about rather randomly, as I applied to go to Senegal to work with water resources and allocation. The funding for that internship fell through and I was interviewed by UBC's IRES (Institute for Resources, the Environment and Sustainability) to go to India. They didn't give me India, but really liked me and offered me South Africa. So now I’m going to Africa.
I leave on Aug 27th, so in 26 days! I have so much to do, so many people to see and not enough time to do it all. But for some unknown reason, and it's a phenomena that even boggles my mind, I always seem to be able to meet my deadlines, so I’m confident that I’ll be able to pull this all off. I'd better get cracking, lots of research to do and whatnot.

In other news, I’ve moved back home with my parents. I’m no longer living in the city. I'll be contacting everyone later this week with my new phone number and address. I’ll also, hopefully, be planning a big going-away bash to say bye-bye to all my friends.
Finally, I’ll be posting some photos up here of my recent trip to Jasper and my up coming trip to Banff next week. Now that I am at home and we only have a phone line for the internet, uploading and blogging a photo is way too time consuming. I’m going to have to hit up Cafe Dabar or Jarret and Jill's house to get it all done.
Yah, so that’s all. Well I’d better get back to work. Enough slacking for me!


Blogger Rachel Kennedy said...

hey! congrats on the job!!! I'm sure it will be a great experience.

9:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey congratulations!!! I knew something was going to turn up for you, but really is South Africa really going to get its first Yeti siting?? How long are you there for?? Or is it open ended? If you decide to take the popular de-tour back from Africa to Europe then Canada, let us all know and im sure the old gang will be able to put you up in George Fox!

1:17 PM


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