An adventure is simply an inconvenience rightly considered.

Monday, April 11, 2005

I Hate Cobbled Streets!

Travelling through Europe as a tourist means a lot of walking. That is just the way it is. It is really amazing to have the opportunity to see all these amazing historic sites yet there is one thing that manages to hamper the awesome experience. Those damned cobbles streets! they're everywhere in Europe! i have not been to anyplace on my travells that did not have them.
Now if you ask me the amount of work that goes into laying one single stree full of hand crafted individual stones just reaks of effort. i'd imagine they had to find a quary, harvest the rock, hack away ot them until they were the relativly the right size then laythem down in the street. they're just uneven, hard on the feet and difficult to navigate.
I know i'm not the most gracefull of people, but my clumbsyness is doubled trying to walk along a cobbled street. the rocks are always uneven and you are always catching your feet on one that happens to be 3 inches higher than the previous one. considering the work that is involved in making them you'd think that there would be less streets that are cobbled. but no. Sigh, i guess i'll just have to continue stumbling along until i return to my nice paved canadian sidewalks, it's all part of the experience, i guess...
that's my rant for the day.
(This satyrical rant has been brought to you by the letter B, and the number 5)


Blogger Jillus said...

thats right, you tell them streets! although, one may consider that it is all just an illusion, and you are just clumsy. those Europeans sure are sneaky!

2:01 PM


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