An adventure is simply an inconvenience rightly considered.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Amsterdam Street

Amsterdam Street
Originally uploaded by Rob Rutherford.
So after a delightful Easter break, having the opportunity to spend some time with Tony, Valerie, Mark, and Andy. i hopped onto a plane to embark on my first ever solo trip. just me and the world! and I won! well, maybe not that far, but i did survive, that is what is important.
Amsterdam was an extremely surreal place. especially if your high. They're so open with everything. The street in this photo is just one block away from the red light district. (this is the street where my hostel is on) Prime location! I would have taken a photo of the red light district, but it is taboo to do so, I've heard that if you do they can confiscate your camera, maybe even destroy it.
Amsterdam was fun, though i think that it would have been better if i had had someone to get high with. but i still made the best of my time there.
I saw some amazing museums, coffee shops, and scenerey. and the worlds thinest house! stay tuned!


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