An adventure is simply an inconvenience rightly considered.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Reading Week!

Le sigh.
that was a sigh of relief, in case you thought that this entry was going to be talking all about how hard and difficult my life is. Cause thats all over now! Reading week is here and my homework worries are far, far away!

as of late my life has been dominated by school work, essays, projects, novels (in french!), and the crappiest midterm i have ever written! two weeks ago was probably the most coursework intensive week of my life, and i think that i could have handled it better had i budgeted my time a bit more.

i had:
2 french quizes (on three novels we had to read)
2 assignments that i had to hand it
1 paper that was due
and a bakesale to prepare for.

yah it was hard, but it's all over now.
last night was the first time, that i can remember, i had the opportunity to just veg out on the couch and hang with my roommates. for a while there i was afraid that they'd start thinking that i was avoiding them because i was spending so much time in my room. but i was there because of homework, busy typing away on my computer tryig to get all the coursework that i could, done.

so last night, i got home and watched this documentary about this one family in the states (the bible-belt) that has 14 children and are expecting their 15th! it was crazy! but a good way to sober up, i had been drinking at RATT prior to returning home because i wanted to celebrate being done midterms and celebrate reading week. then Ariel and I made some hummous, the i just watched some of the olympics coverage and then sat in the living room watching a movie that i downloaded onto my computer. Cheaper by the dozen 2. yah, i'm lame, but i liked it.

It's Cultural Night tonight! (for those of you who don't know, i'm MC'ing for Cultural Night, which is a show of cultural bands and dances to raise money for the IC's International Student Emergency Bursuary) so i'm kind of nervous about that. i'm not a good public speaker, so hopefully i wont make a complete ass of myself. luckily Franny, my co-host, will be there to pick up the slack if i start to freak out.

This weekend i'm going home for sunday dinner, and i'm looking forward to it as i haven't hung out with the family in quite some time. Though Will did stop by my place on thursday to pick up his money and we hung out for a little while, though i found it a bit awkward. i don't know why but he and i have become a bit estranged, in that we are almost like complete strangers to each other and find it hard to make comfortable conversation. its not the case for anyone else in my family, just him. i'll have to try and think of ways to change that, because i'm not liking it.

anyways, thats all i am going to write for the time being. Next friday is my JET interview, so i have to start preparing for that soon. wish me luck!


Blogger Sirina said...

Welcome to the real world dude! It sucks because you never get everything done but it's still fun as hell!

3:06 PM


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