An adventure is simply an inconvenience rightly considered.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Happy, Happy, and very busy

I've been neglectful to update this on a regular basis, and even though my life is no longer as boring as it was i still can't seem to find the time to update this thing.
mid january, about 2 weeks ago i decided to move out of my new place. Thats right, I was only living in that new room for one week before i decided to move out. What made the decision for me was the roommates. they were all pretty cool, but there was no sense of community in that house (for those of you who are wondering, the picutres located below this post is of the place i am currently talking about). They all kept to themselves. I mean, i was living there for 3 full days before i even met them all!
My friend Chris had an open room in the house he rents and he asked me if i'd like to move in with him. It was all kind of random, in that if i hadn't decided to return a coursepack that i borrowed from him that friday previous, i would have never gone over to his house to return it and decided that his place would be a way cooler place than the one i was currently living in.
So the following weekend some friends came over to help me paint the new room (it was a gross green, but is now a tannish yellow with a brown closet, i'll post some photos later). I've been here for 2 weeks now and am totally loving it. It is almost similar to the living situation i had in Lancaster, which is one that i totally loved and really miss.
So i've just been adjusting to my new surroundings, and trying to get caught up on all the homework that needs to get done. this upcomming week is probably going to be one of my busiest of the semester. I have two french quizes on monday and tuesday, an annotated bibliography due wednesday as well as the transcription of an interview that i did for my social research methods class, and a break on thursday but a french presentation and a report due on the friday as well as a bake sale that HuGSS is hosting then too! honestly i have no idea how i am going to survive!

oh and for all the UK folks who actually read this, i'm going to try and write you all a nice long e-mail, basically rehashing what i've just said here, but in a more personal note, as i don't think too many of you actually read this. because no one ever comments on it. so i have no idea.
okay, time to get cracking!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read it!

9:21 AM

Blogger Rob said...

you Rock Mike!

1:34 PM


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