An adventure is simply an inconvenience rightly considered.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Focusing on the Positive

I realize that, since my returning home, most posts on my blog have had a somewhat negative spin on things. This would have been because of the difficulties of returning home after such a high that living in Europe can be. As well i was kind of pouty because i came home and immediately resumed the life i was living before i left for England which suprised me bacause i had sworn to myself that things would be different this time around. instead i simply regressed to what i was before.

But life is not all that bad here in Alberta. Actually thing are going rather well. I'm getting lots of hours at the hospitals where i work. this is a good thing becaus it gets me out of the house, keeps my busy, gets me money to save up for school, pay off my debts and buy cool things to make me happy!

Last weekend i worked with my cousin Matt to deliver the Edmonton Journal (local newspaper) to the Edmonton Folk Music Festival and the Cariwest Festival (Cariwest being a celebration of the African and Caribian populations in Edmonton). I got to be a paper delivery boy. I handed out the free Journal to al the festival goers. It was a lot fun and i got to hang out with my cousin. Though i didn't like the early mornings! I had to get up at 5am to get tehre in time to hand out the papers to die hard Folk fans.

The previous weekend i met up with some friends to check out Heritage days. Heritage days being the big festival that showcases all the different ethnic groups that exist within Edmonton. There was ethnic food, dancing, bazarres. It was great. The weather was awesome, it was in the high 20's all day and the sun was shinning. My friends and I walked from whyte ave to Harwelak park, through the university in the sun. Couldn't have though of a better way to spend the sunday afternoon.

A few things i have to look forward to in the upcomming weeks are; My cousin's comming up from the USA for a visit. We always have great times when they are around, looking forward to that. University starts on the 8th of September, but before that i am volunteering as a peer leader at the international center's international student orientation, aug 31st to sept 2nd. Going to get the chance to meet many different people from all over the world!

So as you can see life back at home isn't all that bad. Actually it's kind of good.


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